Thursday, October 04, 2012

Workshops and labels sticthed

Monday I received 126 labels stitched in by Lewes Soroptimists, students and staff of Pestalozzi International Village Trust in UK and students from Susmita Ghimire´s primary school project in Nepal. They are beautiful. Thank you so much! They are now installed on the wall with the rest of the labels.

The wall is almost done now, last labels will come up today. Yesterday I visited Wexford Campus School of Art and Design and arranged a workshop there. Some of the students from this school helped me last week with the installation. Great help and they had to travel for more than an hours to get to Visual. The last session yesterday evening was with the volunteers at Visual - a group of more than 20 engaged people.

Today Norwegian choreographer and dancer Runa Rebne arrives here. We will be working on adapting our performance Ukjent to the room in Visual. The performance will be held at the reception Oct 24th.

Thank you.

Best Lise  


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